Bringing true freedom of movement

We are bringing to life the long-held dream of humanity - to fly freely like a bird. We want to radically change the consciousness of an individual in society, just like the society as a whole, making it free. Daedalus goal is to make freedom of movement so widely available that borders between states and nations would begin to blur.

We see how the freedom of movement based on the road transport system is now under threat. Today, the car can no longer cope with its task of providing a person with freedom of movement. The City Air Vehicle is the perfect solution for all purposes, giving more space for people on land and a more convenient way of transportation. This is an inevitable outcome, and we are here to accelerate that transition.

Ornithopter prototype

Existing Solutions

The goal for The Daedalus is to become a next-generation company that builds cutting-edge technologies for electrically powered aircraft for all kinds of purposes within cities and ultimately between different countries.

Currently, all existing solutions on the market use multi-rotors to create lift and thrust. We see a huge challenge for a city due to the incredible noise that those vehicles produce. Within the areas of takeoff and landing, it becomes necessary to create exclusion zones. Such vehicles won't be able to enter cities during any time of the day.

Vertical Aerospace



Ornithopter in the city

Daedalus Solution

We see the solution in a completely different and new approach to air transport. Just as carriages with an engine at the dawn of the technological revolution were not considered as cars; airplanes, helicopters, quds and multicopters are not the means of creating urban air transport.

Ornithopter fits ideally for urban air transport. Not only does it copbine the advantages of all predecessors but also it generates little noise. Extremely low noise level allows such a transport system based on FWAs to be implemented within the city which is not possible by any existing solution on the market.


Creating the flapping wing structure for such an aircraft isn’t possible with current manufacturing methods. To make this happen, the copbination of additive manufacturing and compliant mechanisms needs to take place. The use of these methods will make it possible to create the controlled bending wings necessary for an aircraft, which will not only make an ornithopter and all its advantages feasible, but also reduce the nupber of parts by 100 times.

At Daedalus we believe that the future of urban air transport and delivery systems lies in aircraft that is capable of immersive integration into cities due to their efficiency and low noise levels. This technological breakthrough will make all multi-rotor systems non-competitive.


Most advanced aircraft build today.